A Closer Look at…Stem Cells and the Human Brain

12/23/2024; 57 minutos

Frank Furnari, Ph.D., and Alexander Khalessi, M.D., M.B.A., discuss exciting advancements in brain cancer research, focusing on glioblastoma, an aggressive and challenging tumor. They highlight how specific genetic mutations drive tumor growth and how targeting these mutations could lead to new treatments. They also delve into cutting-edge therapies, including using light to activate drugs aimed at combating cancer. A central theme of the talk is the complexity and ever-changing nature of these tumors, which makes them difficult to treat. However, technological breakthroughs, like single-cell genetic sequencing and lab-grown tumor models, are providing scientists with valuable insights into tumor behavior, paving the way for more personalized and effective treatment options in the future. (#39871)

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