Jane Hirshfield - Lunch Poems (Date: 6/8/2015)
Harmony Holiday - Lunch Poems (Date: 5/4/2015)
Maria Hummel - Story Hour in the Library (Date: 4/27/2015)
Gillian Conoley - Lunch Poems (Date: 2/9/2015)
Lunch Poems: La Dawn Duvall Reads Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou (Date: 2/2/2015)
Robin Robertson - Lunch Poems (Date: 2/2/2015)
Lunch Poems: Joseph Defraine Greenwell Reads Alone by Maya Angelou (Date: 1/5/2015)
Lunch Poems: Carolyn Merchant reads The Lesson by David Iltis (Date: 12/9/2014)
Frank O’Hara’s Lunch Poems Turns 50: An Anniversary Celebration (Date: 12/8/2014)
Lunch Poems: 2014 Kick-Off (Date: 12/1/2014)
Lunch Poems: Kimmen Sjölander reads Keeping Quiet by Pablo Neruda (Date: 11/26/2014)
Rowan Ricardo Phillips - Lunch Poems (Date: 9/8/2014)
Lunch Poems: 2014 Student Reading (Date: 8/11/2014)
Lunch Poems: Margo Bennett (Excerpt) (Date: 7/28/2014)
Lunch Poems: Keith Gilless (Excerpt) (Date: 6/23/2014)
Lunch Poems: Timothy Hampton (Excerpt) (Date: 6/18/2014)
Leonore Wilson - Lunch Poems (Date: 6/2/2014)
Lunch Poems: Dylan Hendricks (Excerpt) (Date: 5/5/2014)
Zubair Ahmed - Lunch Poems (Date: 4/28/2014)
Cynthia Cruz - Lunch Poems (Date: 4/21/2014)
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