A Deep Look into Innovation and Equity in the AI Revolution (8/18/2024)
Precision Pediatrics: The Case for Genomic Sequencing in Newborn Screening (6/10/2024)
Broader Impact: The Power of Positive Change - Exploring Ethics (12/11/2023)
How Not To Destroy The World With AI (6/16/2023)
Dynamics of Pathogens in Time and Space, with Bryan Grenfell, 2022 Kyoto Prize Laureate (4/19/2023)
Carver Mead - 2022 Kyoto Prize Laureate in Advanced Technology: Engineering Concepts Clarify Physical Law (4/16/2023)
Virtuous Violence: Rethinking the Relationship Between Morality and Aggression - Exploring Ethics (4/9/2023)
Scientific Progress: Limits of Public Governance (3/26/2023)
Setting Limits for Emerging Tech: Where the Rubber Hits the Road with Carrie Wolinetz (3/21/2023)
Design at Large: Future Prospects in Health Equity and Technological Innovations (8/25/2022)
A New Measure: The Revolutionary, Quantum Reform of the Modern Metric System (3/15/2022)
Time, Einstein, and the Coolest Stuff in the Universe (3/11/2022)
Data Mining in Epic with Judy Faulkner - Sanford Stem Cell Symposium (2/13/2022)
Anti-Social Computing: Discussing Challenges for Social Media & Society - Exploring Ethics (2/10/2022)
A Conversation with Brittney Cooper, Kathy Sullivan, Maria Hinojosa, and Lynn Sherr - Women in Leadership 2021 (5/19/2021)
Neuroscience and Social Justice: How Separate Journeys Became One - Exploring Ethics (4/29/2021)
A Deep Look into COVID and a New World of Innovation (3/28/2021)
A Deep Conversation with Rita Colwell (3/24/2021)
A Deep Look Into: Trust in Science in Uncertain Times (11/18/2020)
Trust in Science in Uncertain Times: Kim Prather - How is COVID-19 Being Transmitted? How/Why Has This Changed Over the Course of This Pandemic? (11/17/2020)
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