Groundwater Depletion Amplifies the Water-Energy Nexus - Debra Perrone (2/27/2021)
Towards a Zero-Carbon Electric Grid - David Erne (2/27/2021)
The Revolution in Data Center Communications and Interconnects - Raj Yavatkar (2/26/2021)
Photonic Integration for Data Centers - John Bowers (2/25/2021)
Cloud-Scale Interconnect Architectures in the Context of Hardware and Software Codesign - Katharine Schmidtke (2/24/2021)
A Perspective from the California Agricultural Industry - Stuart Woolf (2/23/2021)
Moving Bits Not Watts - Sangwon Suh (2/22/2021)
From Demand Response to Fleet Electrification: A Search for High Impact Solutions - Sila Kiliccote (2/21/2021)
Development of Ultraviolet (UV) LED Technology for Disinfection and Sterilization for COVID-19 - Steve DenBaars (2/20/2021)
Towards Dramatically Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Machine Learning - William Wang (2/19/2021)
Navigating the Design Space of Trajectories Toward Low/Zero-Carbon Energy Systems in California (11/13/2019)
Cutting-Edge Modeling Tools to Enable Low Carbon Grids (11/4/2019)
Coastal Water Security with Distributed Offshore Reverse Osmosis (10/30/2019)
Energy Efficient Software Development for the Internet of Things (IoT) (10/16/2019)
Transitioning to a Hydrogen Energy Economy with the Help of Natural Gas (10/2/2019)
Southern California Edison - Assessing New Energy Technologies for Our Customers (9/18/2019)
A New Focus for Energy Efficiency (9/4/2019)
Advances in Energy Efficiency Through Cloud and Machine Learning (3/19/2018)
How Microsoft Quietly Built the City of the Future (7/6/2015)
Arun Majumdar: Energy and The Industrial Revolution: Past, Present and Future (8/18/2014)
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