The Impact of a New Cross-Border Tax Regime (Date: 4/7/2017)
The View from Mexico: Senator Armando Rios Piter (Date: 4/4/2017)
The Imperatives of Binational Security Cooperation (Date: 4/4/2017)
NAFTA in Retrospective (Date: 4/3/2017)
North American Competitiveness Outlook Without NAFTA (Date: 4/3/2017)
San Diego’s Talent Equation with Mark Cafferty (Date: 4/13/2016)
Fixing Capitalism’s Deepest Flaws (Date: 3/16/2015)
Do We Want China To Be More Like Us? with Karl Gerth -- Osher UCSD (Date: 11/3/2014)
Open Innovation around Global Business with China (Date: 4/14/2014)
The Resurgence of Manufacturing in the United States (Date: 6/17/2013)
Two-Track Recovery of the Global Economy (Date: 5/23/2011)
Technology Management Program Tech. and Developing World (Date: 7/12/2010)
North American Competitiveness Conference 2010 (Date: 6/7/2010)
Technology Management Program UCSB: Infrastructure (Date: 5/4/2009)
Financial Crises and Globalization (Date: 4/13/2009)
The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy (Date: 7/21/2008)